Spray Foam Testimonials

What do our clients have to say about the benefits of spray foam insulation? Read on to find out, and contact us today for specific references that relate to your project.


PilgerHaus Condominiums: Insulate Tight & Ventilate Right

"We were developing 12 condo units in a historic renovation called PilgerHaus and struggled with how to insulate the roof when the existing building details didn’t allow a reasonable way to provide the required air venting. Barrier Foam showed me the research that proved the venting wasn’t required in those areas, since the foam allowed no moisture through that could cause a condensation problem. The Local Building Official agreed with that assessment and we used Barrier Foam to achieve an excellent solution to a tricky problem. I became a believer. Barrier Foam is a great product to both insulate and stop air infiltration, which will really bring heating and cooling costs down. Follow the adage: Insulate tight and ventilate right.”